SATAN under Wine on LINUX

Using a slightly restricted functionality of SATAN with the PL/I run-time library under LINUX using Wine

Install Wine on LINUX (option Windows XP).

Copy the SATAN executable SATAN.EXE (compiled and linked under Wine) and the files of the
PL/I run-time library to the folder C:\windows\system32\ .

Copy the help files FRSTOOLS\Tri\Ghelp ... to a place of your choice.
The help files are readable with an internet browser, start page is
FRSTOOLS\Tri\Ghelp\satanhelp.htm .
Create a link to a DOS terminal (e.g. provided by Wine in C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe).

Copy the link to a DOS terminal to the folder, where you want to run SATAN.

Open the DOS terminal with the Wine-Windows Programm Starter and type SATAN. SATAN will start.

Use CRLF (carrage return, line feed) option to edit your SATAN data files.
You may use the notepad editor, which is started by typing NOTEPAD in a
DOS terminal. Other editors should be adapted accordingly.
Files with the UNIX line-break option cannot be used in SATAN!

Using the full functionality of SATAN with the PL/I compiler under LINUX using Wine

Install Wine on LINUX (option Windows XP).

Install the IBM PL/I compiler. (The following description refers to V.R1.07.)

Copy the SATAN soure files to Z:\home\kh\.
(The user "kh" must be replaced by the actual user!)
  > If you chose another location, the following description must be adapted accordingly.

Specify the full path for windcl.cpy and windclold.cpy in ...\FRSTOOLS\Tri\Satan\$WINDCL.MAC
  %IF SSV = '''PL/I for Win* V2.R1.07         ''' |
      SSV = '''PL/I for Win* V2.R1.10         ''' |
      SSV = '''PL/I for Win* V2.R1.11         ''' |
      SSV = '''PL/I for Win* V2.R1.12         ''' |
      SSV = '''PL/I for Win* 6.0              '''
      %then %do;
       %INCLUDE 'Z:\home\kh\FRSTOOLS\Tri\Satan\Windcl.cpy';
  %else %include 'Z:\home\khFRSTOOLS\Tri\Satan\Windclold.cpy'; )
  > Adept the file names in the example to your case. The user "kh" must be replaced by the actual user!

Modify LINK.BAT (1 line):
 ILINK GRAF.OBJ Graf\*.OBJ Workspace\ANAL\$ANPROC.OBJ Satan\*.OBJ FIT\*.OBJ LIESCHEN\*.OBJ /STACK:0x800000,0x8000 /OUT:SATAN ibmws20i.lib _user32.lib _gdi32.lib cppws35.lib Kernel32.lib shell32.lib

Copy shell32.lib from ...\FRSTOOLS\Tri\ to .../.wine/drive_c/Programme/IBM/VAPLI/LIB
  > The folder "Programme" may be named e.g. "Programs", depending on the installation language.

Create a link to a DOS terminal (e.g. provided by Wine in C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe).

Copy the link to a DOS terminal to ...\FRSTOOLS\Tri.

Open a DOS terminal in ...\FRSTOOLS\Tri and run CompSATAN.bat.
(CompSATAN may preferentially be run from the IBM language-sensitive editor IBMWLX40.EXE.
The editor has a large output buffer. This way, it is easy to control the compiler
messages. Start the IBM editor by typing IBMWLX40 in the DOS terminal.)

Open a DOS terminal in ...\FRSTOOLS\Tri and enter LINK. This runs Link.bat and produces the
executable SATAN.EXE.

Copy SATAN.EXE from ...\FRSTOOLS\Tri to /home/kh/.wine/drive/c/windows/system32.

Copy the link to a DOS terminal to the folder where you want to use SATAN.
For starting SATAN, open the DOS terminal and enter SATAN.

The following steps are necessary to use SATAN with your own analysis routine:

Create a file named SLINK.BAT with the following content (3 lines):
echo SATAN Link procedure KHS 1999.
echo User modules (max. 9, must be fully qualified): %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
ILINK %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 Z:\home\kh\FRSTOOLS\Tri\GRAF.OBJ Z:\home\kh\FRSTOOLS\Tri\Graf\*.obj Z:\home\kh\FRSTOOLS\Tri\SATAN\*.OBJ Z:\home\kh\FRSTOOLS\Tri\FIT\*.OBJ Z:\home\kh\FRSTOOLS\Tri\LIESCHEN\*.OBJ /STACK:0x800000,0x8000 ibmws20i.lib _user32.lib _gdi32.lib cppws35.lib shell32.lib kernel32.lib   > Copy this file to the folder, which contains your analysis routine (and eventually other routines) to be
linked to SATAN.
  > Adapt the directories "Z:\home\kh\FRSTOOLS\Tri\ ..." in the SLINK.BAT file to your case.

Copy the link to a DOS terminal to the folder, which contains your analysis routine.

The macro file included in your analysis routine should be fully qualified:
  > e.g.   %INCLUDE 'Z:\home\kh\FRSTOOLS\Tri\Satan\$MACROS.PLI';

The macro files included in ...FRSTOOLS\Tri\Satan\$MACROS.PLI should also be fully qualified.

Compile your analysis routine (PLI myanalysis) and eventually additional routines to be linked to SATAN.

Example: SLINK myanalysis.obj routine2.obj routine3.obj ...
An executable myanalysis.EXE is produced.

Run SATAN with your analysis routine (myanalysis.EXE) in a  DOS window.

Use CRLF (carrage return, line feed) option to edit your SATAN data files.
You may use the notepad editor, which is started by typing NOTEPAD in a
DOS terminal. Also the IBM editor IMBWLX40 is suited. Other editors should
be adapted accordingly.
Files with the UNIX line-break option cannot be used in SATAN!


The description above refers to the UBUNTU Linux installation.

Using SATAN on LINUX with Wine may be improved by using environment variables.

If you encounter any problems, please contact .