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     SATAN provides the possibility to handle two-dimensional data arrays given in GRAF format, as pseudoanalyzers or as analyzers. Only one 2-dim array in GRAF format may be given in a dataset. Please use GOVER for drawing more than one 2-dim array in one picture. In a 2-dim plot, the data are  n o t  shifted by 1/2 channel in x- and y-direction, as in the original SATAN. The limits of the picture (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) are rounded to be integers of the 2-dim grid given by the channel limits.

     The header line must have the following form:
     ==> H2: (X = 10 TO 12 BY .2)  (Y = 0 TO 1 BY .1)  Z
     The free-formatted numbers written below this header line in the dataset are interpreted as an array according to the loop structure in PLI. (The second variable (in this case Y) increases faster than the first one (in the example X).) The axes may be interchanged:
     ==> H2: (Y = 0 TO 1 BY .1)  (X = 10 TO 12 BY .2)  Z

     The x and y values may be calibrated by a linear function:
     ==> H2: (X = 0 TO 1 BY .1)*0.2-100   (Y = 10 TO 12 BY .2)  Z
     means that the x values are multiplied by 0.2 and then shifted by 100 units (allowed operators are + - * /).

     A boundary for the contour or isometric plot can be defined by a polygon (data specification "B" for 1-dim data). Data points outside this boundary are not shown.
     ==> H:  X    B,N0
     ==> 0,0;50,0;60,10;60,60;25,60;

     The number of cuts is specified by the parameter NCUT(n). Alternatively, the cuts of the contour plot may explicitly be specified in the dataset
    ==> P: CUTS(10 TO 100 BY 10).
     Optionally, the linemode and the linewidth (in mm) may be given (eventually different values for different cuts):
     ==> P: CUTS(10 TO 100 BY 10;D,1) CUTS(50,100,200;L,2)
     ==> P: CUTS(1,2,4,8,16;B,.5)
     As an additional option, the automatic labeling of the cuts can be chosen:
     ==> P: CUTS(2,4,8;L,.2,LABEL) or
     ==> P: CUTS(2,4,8;L,.2,NOLABEL)
     The limits ZMIN and ZMAX may be specified in the dataset. As a default option, 6 equidistant colored cuts are drawn.

     The size of the points in the cluster mode is proportional to the value of Z-ZMIN, or if ZLOG is specified, to the
     logarithm of Z/ZMIN:
     ==> P: ZMIN(1) ZMAX(1000) ZLOG
     If the parameter ZAREA is specified, the area of the points is proportional to the value of Z-ZMIN (or with ZLOG to the logarithm of Z/ZMIN):
     ==> P: ZMIN(0) ZMAX(10) ZAREA
     The handling of colors may be specified:
     ==> P: 2DCOL(option) with option = MULTI, R, G, RB, D, ...
     Full-area clusters are selected by the additional keyword FULL:
     ==> P: 2DCOL(R,FULL)
     The default option is  P: 2DCOL(MULTI).

    Selected clusters can be drawn on the picture together with a scaling information as a legend by specifying the following kind of commands in the dataset:
     ==> L: ZSCALING(0.1,100 mb)
     ==> L: ZSCALING(1   ,  1 b)
     ==> L: ZSCALING(10 , 10 b)
    "L" stands for "label". The blanks in the brackets serve to align the text.

    Per default, the legend will appear at the right border of the figure.
    To position the legend in units relative to the axes use:
     ==> L: XREL(R) YREL(R)
    As a default, the sizes of the clusters in the legend are equal to the sizes of the corresponding clusters in the spectrum. As an alternative, uniformely large clusters can be drawn in the legend when specifying "FULLCLUSTERS" in addition to ZSCALING:
     ==> L: ZSCALING(1, 1 barn)  FULLCLUSTERS

     The representation of the isometric plot is prompted. It is limited to 256 points in each direction. (The number of points may be decreased by increasing the binsize.)

     If the data are provided in form of a 2-dimensional analyzer, a ridge line can be fitted to the data by the command ARIDGE. (A less comfortable fit option to 2-dim data is also available. It fits a polynomial
to a ridge in a 2-dimensional array. See HELP FITGEN.)