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Detailed information on all SATAN Commands
(full documentation)          
Remark: To obtain Help information on specific commands,
        it is more convenient to start from the page
 	Commands(List) and to select a specific command
 > HELP AAttributes
AAttributes    List analyzer attributes
1.PARAMETER: {Analyzer name,*,*>0,name*,name(*)}
/Counts List counts of analyzers
/DIm Select dimension of analyzers to be listed
/DYnamic List only dynamically created analyzers
/Static List only static analyzers
Full documentation of this command
ACDef          Define condition (or window) limits (no bananas!)
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/Close Close condition
/Condition(c)Condition number or name to be set (* = all conditions)
/Limits(c) Limits x1,x2{,y1,y2} (* sets corresponding analyzer limit)
/Name Name to be assigned to the condition
/Open Open condition
Full documentation of this command
 > HELP ACOMpress
ACOMpress      Switch to compressed format for analyzer data.

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'ACOMPRESS' available in
HELP EXTEND (1 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)
HELP NEWS (1 occurrences)
New features in GRAF

> HELP ACOnvert ACOnvert Convert 2-dim into array of 1-dim analyzers and vice versa.
1.PARAMETER: Source analyzer(s) {A-2-dim, A-1-dim(*)}
/Destination(c) Destination analyzer(s) {A-1-dim(*), A-2-dim}
/Dimension(c) Direction of 1-dim. analyzers {x,y,x+y,x-y}
/Limits(rv) Conversion inside limits of A-2-dim source {x1,x2,y1,y2}
/Onto(c) Destination analyzer(s) {A-1-dim(*), A-2-dim}
/Window(c) Conversion inside window of A-2-dim source (window or condition id)
Full documentation of this command
 > HELP AClear
AClear         Reset data of analyzer to zero
1.PARAMETER: {Analyzer name, *}
/List List names of analyzers
Full documentation of this command
Related commands: ASET, ADESTROY
See command AOPER

> HELP ACOpy ACOpy Copy data, conditions or display windows to another analyzer
1. PARAMETER Destination analyzer
2. PARAMETER = sign (required)
3. PARAMETER Source analyzer
/CONditions Copy only conditions from source to destination analyzer
/DATa Copy only data from source to destination analyzer (=default)
/WINdows Copy only windows from source to destination analyzer
Full documentation of this command
ADECon         Deconvolute a spectrum with a given response
1.PARAMETER: Source analyzer
/Accuracy(r) Limit for chisquare change {1.0E-2}
/Check(c) Check analyzer of reconvoluted spectrum
/Destination(c) Destination analyzer
/Dimension(i)Dimension of deconvolution for 2-dim. source analyzers
/Error(c) Error analyzer for source analyzer
/Iteration(i)Maximum number of iteration {30}
/NONorm Do not normalized the response matrix
/Nolist Do not list information
/Onto(c) Destination analyzer
/RAnge(i) Number of neighboring elements on each side {2}
/Response(c) Response analyzer (1 or 2 dim.)
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the deconvolution concept

> HELP ADEStroy ADEStroy Destroy analyzer.
1.PARAMETER: {Analyzer name,*}
/NOConfirm No prompting for confirmation.
/NOList Suppress output listing.
Full documentation of this command
Related commands: ACLEAR
ADIff          Build differential of analyzer (inversion of AINT)
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/ONto(c) Destination analyzer
Full documentation of this command
Alias: ADIff2
 > HELP ADIff2
ADIff2 Build 2-point differential of analyzer
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/ONto(c) Destination analyzer
Full documentation of this command
Alias: ADIff

ADIff3 Build 3-point differential of analyzer
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/ONto(c) Destination analyzer
Full documentation of this command
Related commands: ADIFF2,..,ADIFF5,ALOGDIFF2,..ALOGIDFF5

ADIff4 Build 4-point differential of analyzer
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/ONto(c) Destination analyzer
Full documentation of this command
Related commands: ADIFF2,..,ADIFF5,ALOGDIFF2,..ALOGIDFF5

ADIff5 Build 5-point differential of analyzer
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/ONto(c) Destination analyzer
Full documentation of this command
Related commands: ADIFF2,..,ADIFF4,ALOGDIFF2,..ALOGIDFF5

> HELP ADump ADump Dump analyzer data into dataset
1.PARAMETER: {analyzer,*,an*,analyzer(*)} to be dumped
/Append Append to the existing dataset (= default)
/Binary Binary data format (fast access)
/CXAxis(c) New comment on x axis
/CYAxis(c) New comment on y axis
/Comment Write comment to dataset
/Conditions Dump conditions only
/DSN(c) Dataset name
/Data Dump analyzer data (spectrum) only
/EXChange(c) Exchange x or y with dimension of analyzer array
/Filename(c) Dataset name
/Graf Write data in GRAF format
/LInesymbol(c) Set line mode and symbol for 1-dim. data
/LOng No repetition factor used in listing of data (see also /XYZ)
/NEw Create a new dataset
/NOAppend Create a new dataset
/NOList Do not list information
/NOZeroes Do not write zeroes (for long listing of 1-dim. analyzers)
/Path(c) Path name
/Prefix(c) Prefix to be added to the dumped analyzer.
/Replace Create a new dataset
/Spectrum Dump analyzer data (spectrum) only
/Suffix(c) Suffix to be added to the dumped analyzer.
/Windows Dump windows only
/XYZ Explicit data format (x,y,z per line) in writing 2-dim. data
(see also /LOng)
Full documentation of this command

> HELP AEXPand AEXPand Switch to expanded format for analyzer data.

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'AEXPAND' available in
HELP EXTEND (1 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP AFPeak AFPeak Automatic peak search in analyzer spectrum
1.PARAMETER: Max. number of peaks
/Analyzer Store result in analyzer @PEAKS
/BAckground Evaluate background contribution
/Begin(c) First condition or window to be stored
/Condition Store peak limits into analyzer conditions
/Fwhm(r) FWHM of peaks (optional)
/Integral(r) Minimum integral of peaks
/Limits(r,r) Search for peaks inside these limits only
/List Long listing of results
/Nodisplay No graphic output desired
/Points Store peak centers into display points
/Reorder Reorder for decreasing significances
/SIgnificance(r) Minimum significance of peaks (default = 2)
/Windows Store peak limits into analyzer windows
Full documentation of this command
Long write up of the peak-search concept

> HELP AFetch AFetch Fetch SATAN analyzers or GEF spectra from dataset
1.PARAMETER: {analyzer,*,an*,analyzer(*)} or anl1,anl2,anl3,... to be fetched
/BInary Fetch analyzers from binary data only
/Conditions Fetch conditions only
/DSn(c) Dataset name
/Data Fetch analyzer data (spectrum) only
/Filename(c) Dataset name
/Into(c) Fetch into this analyzer (not for binary dumps)
/Keep Merge the analyzer to an eventually existing one
/Last Take data and/or conditions from last analyzer in file only
/Nolist Do not list information
/PRefix(c) Prefix to be added to the name of the fetched analyzer(s)
/Path(c) Path or list of paths
/Replace Replace old analyzer (=default)
/SUffix(c) Suffix to be added to the name of the fetched analyzer(s)
/Spectrum Fetch analyzer data (spectrum) only
/Windows Fetch windows only
Full documentation of this command

> HELP AGEN AGEN Generate analyzer
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/Binsize() Binsize of analyzer
/COMment(c) Comment of analyzer
/CONditions(i) Number of conditions
/CXaxis(c) Text on x axis
/CYaxis(c) Text on y axis
/Dimension(i) Dimension of analyzer
/FCal() Calibration factor(s) in x (and y)
/LIKe(c) Reference analyzer
/LIMits() Limits of analyzer
/LINesymbol) Set linemode and symbol (1-dim. analyzer only)
/NCNd(i) Number of conditions
{PRotected) Analyzer is protected against ACLEAR command
/REFerence(c) Reference analyzer
/REPlace Replace an eventually existing analyzer with the same name
/TItle(c) Title of analyzer
/TYpe(c) Data type {FLOAT,FIXED}
Full documentation of this command

> HELP AGET AGET Get analyzer contents
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
2.PARAMETER: Channel in dimension 1.
3.PARAMETER: Channel in dimension 2 (only for 2-dim. analyzers).
Full documentation of this command

> HELP AINt AINt Build integral of analyzer (inversion of ADIFF).
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/DEstination Destination analyzer
/ONto(c) Destination analyzer
Full documentation of this command
Related commands: ADIFF > HELP AImage AImage Create linear image of analyzer ( X' = M * (A + X) )
1.PARAMETER: Source analyzer
/Destination Destination analyzer
/MX(c) 1st line of image matrix (ax, mxx, mxy)
/MY(c) 2nd line of image matrix (ay, myx, myy)
/Onto(c) Destination analyzer

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'AIMAGE' available in
HELP EXTEND (1 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP AList AList List analyzer data
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/Max List only maximum value.
/Min List only minimum value.
Full documentation of this command

ALOGDIff Build logarithmic differential of analyzer
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/ONto(c) Destination analyzer
Full documentation of this command
Alias: ALOGDIff2
Related commands: ALOGDIFF2,..ALOGIDFF5,ADIFF2,..,ADIFF5

ALOGDIff2 Build logarithmic 2-point differential of analyzer
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/ONto(c) Destination analyzer
Full documentation of this command
Alias: ALOGDIff

ALOGDIff3 Build logarithmic 3-point differential of analyzer
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/ONto(c) Destination analyzer
Full documentation of this command
Related commands: ALOGDIFF2,..ALOGIDFF5,ADIFF2,..,ADIFF5

ALOGDIff4 Build logarithmic 4-point differential of analyzer
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/ONto(c) Destination analyzer
Full documentation of this command
Related commands: ALOGDIFF2,..ALOGIDFF5,ADIFF2,..,ADIFF5

ALOGDIff5 Build logarithmic 5-point differential of analyzer
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/ONto(c) Destination analyzer
Full documentation of this command
Related commands: ALOGDIFF2,..ALOGIDFF4,ADIFF2,..,ADIFF5

> HELP AMIrror AMIrror Create a mirror image of an analyzer
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/Dimension(i)Dimension to be processed
/Mirname(c) Destination analyzer
/Onto(c) Destination analyzer
Full documentation of this command

> HELP AMOVe AMOVe Move contents of analyzer
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/Onto(c) Destination analyzer
/Xshift(r) Horizontal shift
/Yshift(r) Vertical shift (only for 2-dim. analyzers)

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'AMOVE' available in
HELP EXTEND (1 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP AMOdify AMOdify Modify analyzer attributes
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/ADdcomment(c)Add text to the analyzer comment
/ATtach(c) Attach another analyzer to supply errors
/Binsize() List of new binsizes
/CONditions(i)Modify number of conditions (will open all existing conditions)
/COmment(c) Set analyzer comment
/CXaxis(c) Set text of x axis
/CYaxis(c) Set text of y axis
/DEtach Detach attached analyzer /ERroranalyzer(c) Attach another analyzer to supply errors /FCal() One or two factors to calibrate axes /LIMits() List of new limits /LINesymbol) Set linemode and symbol (1-dim. analyzer only) /Mode(c) Set mode of analyzer {digital, analog} /NAMe() New name of analyzer /NOConfirm No prompting for confirmation. /NOList No output. /NOprotect(s) Do allow ACLEAR for this analyzer /PRotect(s) Do not allow ACLEAR for this analyzer /SHIft() One or two numbers to shift x (and y) channel limits /TItle(c) Set title of analyzer /TYpe(c) Set data type of analyzer {FIXED,FLOAT} Full documentation of this command
ANAl           Define dynamic analyzation process (1 dim. or 2 dim.)
1.PARAMETER: Destination analyzer name
2.PARAMETER: Source analyzer or event name (1. dim.) {A(..),E(..),Nevent,Nevent:R}
3.PARAMETER: Source analyzer or event name (2. dim.) {A(..),E(..),Nevent,Nevent:R}
/End End analyzation process for this analyzer.
/List List status of dynamic analysis.
Full documentation of this command

> HELP ANOrm ANOrm Normalize analyzer data
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/Constant(r) Normalization constant
/Norm(r) (like CONSTANT)
/Positive Switch to consider positive values only
Full documentation of this command

> HELP AOPer AOPer Arithmetic operation between analyzers, constants and parameters
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name for result
2.PARAMETER: = sign (required)
3.PARAMETER: 1st operand {analyzer,constant,parameter} or
function(operands) {MIN,MAX,CONV,ABS,EXP,LOG,SQRT}
4.PARAMETER: Operator {+,-,*,:,**,<,>,CONV, and more} (optional)
5.PARAMETER: 2cnd operand {analyzer,constant,parameter} (optional)
Full documentation of this command

> HELP APOlish APOlish Eliminate strong deviations in analyzer data.
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/COndition(c) {Window or condition id or x1,x2}
/CUrvature(r)Set limiting curvature for polishing.
/Fwhm(r) Fix FWHM for polishing.
/Interpol Perform polishing by linear interpolation.
/Limits() X1,x2
/MAXimum Refer to maximum values as most reliable
/MINimum Refer to minimum values as most reliable
/Onto(c) Destination analyzer
/POlynom(i) Degree of polynomial for polishing.
/STAtistics Assume statistical error bars
/Smooth(r) Weight of smoothing for polishing.
/Window(c) {Window or condition id or x1,x2}
/ZERoes Include channels with zero content
Full documentation of this command
 > HELP APRoject
APRoject       Project analyzer
1.PARAMETER: Source analyzer
/Destination(c) Destination analyzer
/Limits() {Window id, condition id, x1,x2(,y1,y2)}
/Onto(c) Destination analyzer
/Window(c) {Window id, condition id, x1,x2,y1,y2}
Full documentation of this command

> HELP ARIdge ARIdge Find ridge line in 2-dim. analyzer
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/Condition(c) {Window id, condition id, x1,x2,y1,y2}.
/Cursor Enter ridge position by cursor.
{Destination(c) Destination analyzer.
/Dimension(i) Dimension.
/Fwhm(r) Fix FWHM for peak search.
/Interpolation Switch for interpolation for parameterization of ridge.
/Limits() {Window id, condition id, x1,x2,y1,y2}.
/Mean Evaluate ridge position by mean value.
/Onto(c) Destination analyzer
/POlynom(i) Degree of polynomial for parameterization of ridge.
/Peak Evaluate ridge position by peak value.
/Smooth(r) Weight of smoothing for parameterization of ridge.
/Weight(r) Weight of smoothing for parameterization of ridge.
/Window(c) {Window id, condition id, x1,x2,y1,y2}
Full documentation of this command
ASEt           Set analyzer contents to a value
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
2.PARAMETER: Operator {"+","-","*",":","**","=",">","<"}
3.PARAMETER: Constant {number, global parameter}
/CHannel() Set only one channel (x{,y})
/Condition() Set content inside/outside condition {1,^1}
/CUrsor Input by cursor
/Limits() Set content inside limits (x1,x2{y1,y2})
/Nolist No output on screen
/WIndow() Set content inside/outside window {A,^A}
Full documentation of this command

> HELP ASHift ASHift Shift 2-dim. analyzer by data given in 1-dim. analyzer
1.PARAMETER: Source analyzer
/By(c) Transformation analyzer
/Onto(c) Destination analyzer

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'ASHIFT' available in
HELP EXTEND (3 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP ASTretch ASTretch Stretch 2-dim. analyzer by data given in 1-dim. analyzer
1.PARAMETER: Source analyzer
/By(c) Transformation analyzer
/Destination(c) Destination analyzer
/Dimension(i) Dimension
/Onto(c) Destination analyzer

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'ASTRETCH' available in
HELP EXTEND (3 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP ASpace ASpace Evaluate space needed for analyzers
1.PARAMETER: {Analyzer name,*,*>minimum}

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'ASPACE' available in
HELP EXTEND (2 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)
HELP PROBLEMS (1 occurrences)
Problems and solutions

> HELP ASum ASum Evaluate sum and moments of spectrum
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/Graphic Graphics output
/Limits(c) {Window or condition id, limits}
/Window(c) {Window or condition id, limits}

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'ASUM' available in
HELP EXTEND (1 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP CALCulate CALCulate Evaluate arithmetic expression (short version: ?).
1.PARAMETER: Arithmetic expression. (Use ":" instead of "/".)

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'CALCULATE' available in
HELP EXTEND (1 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)
HELP FITGEN (4 occurrences)
General information on fit handling
HELP PROBLEMS (1 occurrences)
Problems and solutions

> HELP DATE DATE List time and date

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'DATE' available in
HELP LIBRARY (1 occurrences)
Library of analyzer data and conditions

> HELP EList EList Print list of event parameters usable for command ANAL

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'ELIST' available in
HELP DYNAMIC (1 occurrences)
Dynamic analysis and live display
HELP LISTMODE (1 occurrences)
List-mode analysis with a user-supplied program

> HELP EXIT EXIT Leave GRAF with prompting

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'EXIT' available in
HELP BATCH (2 occurrences)
Running SATAN in batch
HELP LISTMODE (3 occurrences)
List-mode analysis with a user-supplied program
HELP SCOM (2 occurrences)
Features of executable command lists
HELP SHORT (1 occurrences)
Short description how to use GRAF

> HELP FAREa FAREa Define values and attributes of peak areas
1.PARAMETER: List of peaks (or parameters for FPAR) {"3" ; "3,5" ; "3..7"}
/Comment(c) Set comment text for specified parameter(s).
/Difference(i)Fix difference of specified parameter(s) to reference value I.
/EOFf Reset error analysis flag.
/EON A special error analysis is demanded.
/Fix Fix value for specified parameter(s).
/Guess(c) Set guess value for specified parameter(s).
/List List the current guess values and limits.
/MARk List guess values and limits; mark limits of peaks.
/MAX_limits()Set upper limits for specified parameter(s).
/MIN_limits()Set lower limits for specified parameter(s).
/Nolimits Remove limits for specified parameter(s).
/Product(i) Fix the product of specified parameter(s) and reference value I.
/Quotient(i) Fix the quotient of specified parameter(s) and reference value I.
/Relative Specified guess values are interpreted as relative values.
/Sum(i) Fix the sum of specified parameter(s) and reference value I.
/Vary Value is to vary again.
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FDisplay FDisplay Display the current fit curve
1.PARAMETER: list of numbers denoting the fit functions (default = all)
/Colours(c) Set colour of full fit line (default = *B*lue).
/DAta Mark data included in the fit.
/Npts(i) Number of points for drawing. /Peaks Draw peaks singly. /SAve Prepare data of fit curve for GSAVE. /SIngly Display fit functions singly (not the sum). /XY Chose explicit data format (X,Y per line) for SAVE option. Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FEXponential FEXponential Specify a series of linear exponential fit functions
1.PARAMETER: Number of exponential functions (plus one constant term)
/LIMits Not supported, use command FWINDOWS!
/Nodisp Do not show the fit curve
/Prompt Prompt locations of exponentials
/WINdow Not supported, use command FWINDOWS!
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FErrors FErrors Specify errors of data to be fitted
/ANALyzer Use the errors given in the analyzer or dataset.
/List List error option.
/None No errors of the experimental data are known.
/Own Use the errors given in the analyzer or dataset.
/Percent(r) Take errors as the percentage r of the data.
/Statistical Statistical errors assumed.
/Theory Errors are determined by the theoretical distribution.
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FINITialize FINITialize Reset all variables of the fit routines to starting values
/Noconfirm Prompting for confirmation is suppressed.
/Release All storage used by the fit routines is freed.
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FLAst FLAst Keep or delete components of a fit function
/Clear Delete all previously defined fit functions.
/Delete(i) Delete a specific component.
/Keep Keep the last fit as background. (Up to 10 functions allowed.)
/LIst List the characteristics of all component fit functions
/NOConfirm No prompting to confirm CLEAR or DELETE
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FLEgendre FLEgendre Specify Legendre polynomials as fit function
1.PARAMETER: Highest order of Legendre polynomials
/Background Define background contribution
/DEgrees X values represent angles in degrees.
/EVen Include even terms only.
/LIMits Not supported, use command FWINDOWS!
/NORmalized The series is normalized.
/Odd Include odd terms only.
/Radian X values represent angles in radians.
/WINdow Not supported, use command FWINDOWS!
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FLIKelihood FLIKelihood Evaluate likelihood function of the current fit
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer
/Limits Interval of parameter variation.
/Logarithmic Use a logarithmic parameter increment.
/Parameters List of up to 2 indices of fit parameters to be varied.
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FLIst FLIst List experimental and fit data
1.PARAMETER: Windows
/All List all data.
/Conditions List the data or all analyzer conditions.
/Display_windows List the data of all display windows.
/Graphic Data are written into the current picture.
/Loop Windows are entered in an input loop.
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FMLfit FMLfit Modify MLFIT parameters
/E1(r) Gradient serach parameter (default = 0.1)
/E2(r) Convergence criterion parameter (default = 0.1)
/E3(r) Convergence criterion parameter (default = 1.E-5)
/E4(r) Convergence criterion parameter (default = 0.5)
/Ie(i) Number of iterations in error analysis (default = 4)
/L0(i) Gradient search parameter, starting value (default = 0)
/LD(i) Gradient search parameter, increment (default = 2)
/List List values.
/Tau(r) Matrix element limit for inversion (default = 1.E-7)
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FMy FMy Specify user-defined fit function
1.PARAMETER: Name of user-defined fit function.
2.PARAMETER: Actual number of fit parameters.
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FPArameters FPArameters Define values and attributes of fit parameters
1.PARAMETER: List of peaks (or parameters for FPAR) {"3" ; "3,5" ; "3..7"}
/Comment(c) Set comment text for specified parameter(s).
/Difference(i)Fix difference of specified parameter(s) to reference value I.
/EOFf Reset error analysis flag.
/EON A special error analysis is demanded.
/Fix Fix value for specified parameter(s).
/Guess(c) Set guess value for specified parameter(s).
/List List the current guess values and limits.
/MARk List guess values and limits; mark limits of peaks.
/MAX_limits()Set upper limits for specified parameter(s).
/MIN_limits()Set lower limits for specified parameter(s).
/Nolimits Remove limits for specified parameter(s).
/Product(i) Fix the product of specified parameter(s) and reference value I.
/Quotient(i) Fix the quotient of specified parameter(s) and reference value I.
/Relative Specified guess values are interpreted as relative values.
/Sum(i) Fix the sum of specified parameter(s) and reference value I.
/Vary Value is to vary again.
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FPBox FPBox Specify rectangular peaks convoluted with a Gaussian
1.PARAMETER: Number of peaks
/Area_minimum(r) Lower limit of net peak areas for automatic search.
/Boxwidth() Width of rectangular box.
/Cursor Cursor input is requested for peak location.
/Delete Remove peak from the current fit function.
/Fwhm(r) Expected peak width
/Gaussian Specify convolution with a Gaussian function.
/LIMits Not supoorted, use command FWINDOWS!
/Lorentzian Specify convolution with a Lorentzian function
/NODisplay The located peaks are not displayed.
/Prompt Cursor input is requested for peak location.
/Significance(r) Minimum significance for peaks to be searched.
/WINdow Not supported, use command FWINDOWS!
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FPEaks FPEaks Specify Gaussian or Lorentzian peaks
1.PARAMETER: Number of peaks
/ARea_minimum(r)Lower limit of net peak areas for automatic search.
/Cursor Cursor input is requested for peak location.
/Delete Remove peak from the current fit function.
/FUll Find peak in the whole spectrum.
/FWhm(r) Expected peak width (optional).
/Gaussian Specify Gaussian peaks as fit function.
/LImits(r,r) Not supported, use command FWINDOWS!
/LOrentzian Specify Lorentzian peaks as fit function.
/NODisplay The located peaks are not displayed.
/Prompt Cursor input is requested for peak location.
/Significance(r) Minimum significance for peaks to be searched.
/WINdow Not supported, use command FWINDOWS!
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FPOSition FPOSition Define values and attributes of peak positions
1.PARAMETER: List of peaks (or parameters for FPAR) {"3" ; "3,5" ; "3..7"}
/Comment(c) Set comment text for specified parameter(s).
/Difference(i)Fix difference of specified parameter(s) to reference value I.
/EOFf Reset error analysis flag.
/EON A special error analysis is demanded.
/Fix Fix value for specified parameter(s).
/Guess(c) Set guess value for specified parameter(s).
/List List the current guess values and limits.
/MARk List guess values and limits; mark limits of peaks.
/MAX_limits()Set upper limits for specified parameter(s).
/MIN_limits()Set lower limits for specified parameter(s).
/Nolimits Remove limits for specified parameter(s).
/Product(i) Fix the product of specified parameter(s) and reference value I.
/Quotient(i) Fix the quotient of specified parameter(s) and reference value I.
/Relative Specified guess values are interpreted as relative values.
/Sum(i) Fix the sum of specified parameter(s) and reference value I.
/Vary Value is to vary again.
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FPTail FPTail Specify rectangular peaks convoluted with a Gaussian
1.PARAMETER: Number of peaks
/Area_minimum(r)Lower limit of net peak areas for automatic search.
/Cursor Cursor input is requested for peak location.
/Delete Remove peak from the current fit function.
/Fwhm(r) Expected peak width
/Gaussian Specify convolution with a Gaussian function.
/LIMits Not suppored, use command FWINDOWS!
/Lorentzian Specify convolution with a Lorentzian function
/NODisplay The located peaks are not displayed.
/Prompt Cursor input is requested for peak location.
/Significance(r) Minimum significance for peaks to be searched.
/Tail_parameter() Extension of tail (neg: left, pos: right side).
/WINdow Not supported, use command FWINDOWS!
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FPolynomial FPolynomial Specify a polynomial as fit function
1.PARAMETER: Order of the polynomial
/EXp(i) Multiply by an exponential function.
/LIMits Not supported, use command FWINDOWS!
/Sqrt Polynomial: extract the square root
/WINdow Not supported, use command FWINDOWS!
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FPVOigt FPVOigt Specify Lorentzian peaks convoluted with a Gaussian
1.PARAMETER: Number of peaks
/Area_minimum(r)Lower limit of net peak areas for automatic search.
/Cursor Cursor input is requested for peak location.
/Delete Remove peak from the current fit function.
/Fwhm(r) Expected peak width
/LIMits Not suppored, use command FWINDOWS!
/NODisplay The located peaks are not displayed.
/NOSearch Cursor input is requested for peak location.
/Prompt Cursor input is requested for peak location.
/Significance(r) Minimum significance for peaks to be searched.
/Gauss() Width of Gaussian component.
/WINdow Not supported, use command FWINDOWS!
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FResult FResult List fit results
1.PARAMETER: List of numbers of the fit functions
/Correlations List the complete matrix of correlation coefficients
/Function(c) List fit values for {x, x1 TO x2 BY s}, up to 100 values
/Graphic Data are written into the current picture.
/Parameters Fit parameter values are desired.
/SAve Supply the results for the GSAVE command
/SIgma List standard deviation instead of FWHM
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FSTore FSTore Store fit data into an analyzer (only in displayed range)
1.PARAMETER: Destination analyzer (if omitted: replace zeroes in input analyzer)
/Chi Differences divided by errors are stored
/Difference Differences of experimental and fit data are stored
/NOconfirm No prompting in case of numerical errors
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FSum FSum Compute sum and moments of raw or net data
1.PARAMETER: Windows
/Conditions Evaluate data inside conditions.
/Display_windows Evaluate data inside display windows.
/Fiterrors Background error is derived from the fit.
/Fwhm The variance is converted into a full width at half maximum
/Graphic The output is written into the current picture
/Loop Windows are entered by input loop.
/Net Sum and moments of net data are evaluated.
/Total Calculate sum and moments of raw data
/Windows Evaluate data inside display windows.
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FWIDth FWIDth Define values and attributes of peak widths
1.PARAMETER: List of peaks (or parameters for FPAR) {"3" ; "3,5" ; "3..7"}
/Comment(c) Set comment text for specified parameter(s).
/Difference(i) Fix difference of specified parameter(s) to reference value I.
/EOFf Reset error analysis flag.
/EON A special error analysis is demanded.
/Fix Fix value for specified parameter(s).
/Guess(c) Set guess value for specified parameter(s).
/List List the current guess values and limits.
/MARk List guess values and limits; mark limits of peaks.
/MAX_limits()Set upper limits for specified parameter(s).
/MIN_limits()Set lower limits for specified parameter(s).
/Nolimits Remove limits for specified parameter(s).
/Product(i) Fix the product of specified parameter(s) and reference value I.
/Quotient(i) Fix the quotient of specified parameter(s) and reference value I.
/Relative Specified guess values are interpreted as relative values.
/Sum(i) Fix the sum of specified parameter(s) and reference value I.
/Vary Value is to vary again.
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FWindows FWindows Define fit regions
1.PARAMETER: List of analyzer windows/conditions
/All Use all data for the fit.
/Conditions Use data inside analyzer conditions.
/Display_windows Use data inside display windows.
/Keep Windows of previous fit are used.
/LIMits Channel number limits.
/LISt List all currently defined fit windows.
/LOop Loop option for defining more than 1 window.
/Mark Mark all currently defined fit windows.
/Windows Use data inside display windows.
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP FXcal FXcal Not supported

> HELP Fit Fit Execute fit
1.PARAMETER: Windows.
/Erranalysis Special error analysis for parameters definded by FPAR ..
/Iterations(i) Maximum number of iterations (default = 10).
/LIMits Not supported, use command FWINDOWS!
/LIst Detailed output required.
/Leastsquares Fit by the method of least squares.
/Nodisplay No display of the fit curve.
/Poisson Fit by maximum likelihood assuming Poisson statistics.
/WINdow Not supported, use command FWINDOWS!
/Zeroes Zeroes are included in the fit.
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the fit package in HELP FITGEN > HELP GCOPy GCOPy Handle softcopy of display
/Auto Automatic softcopy of each picture
/Device(c) Output device {P**sss,dsn.EPS,POST,dsn.WMF}
/Dsn(c) Output dataset {dsn(.EPS),dsn.EPS,dsn.WMF}
/EPs Write softcopy in POSTSCRIPT format
/Filename(c) Output dataset {dsn(.EPS),dsn.EPS,dsn.WMF}
/MEtafile Write softcopy in METAFILE format
/OFf Disable POSTSCRIPT Softcopy
/ON Enable POSTSCRIPT softcopy of each display
/POstscript Write softcopy in POSTSCRIPT format
/PS Write softcopy in POSTSCRIPT format
/Size() Size of PS-copy ({A0,A1,...,A9,NONE}) or (x,y) in cm.
/Start(i) Start at "I" with automatic numbering of softcopies (dsn#.EPS)
/WMf Write softcopy in METAFILE format
Full documentation of this command

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'GCOPY' available in
HELP POSTSCRIPT (6 occurrences)
Handling of POSTSCRIPT files in GRAF for plotting and imbedding

> HELP GCOmlist GCOmlist Print comment lines on a picture
1.PARAMETER: Text to be printed or to be added to the comment list.
/Add Add the "text" to the comment list.
/Clear Clear the comment list.
/Delete Clear the comment list.
/List Print the actually stored comment list.
/Off Stop automatic output of GCOMLIST.
/On Set automatic output of GCOMLIST with GPDISP, GPLOT and GOVER.

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'GCOMLIST' available in
HELP EXTEND (8 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP GDClose GDClose Close graphic window on screen

> HELP GDisp GDisp Display on screen
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/2DColor Colours of clusters or contour lines {MULTI,G,RG,..,SHADOWING,FULL}
/ALL Draw full data arrays
/AUto Reset display parameters to default values
/AXCol Colour of axes including numbers and captions {G,RG,..}
/AXFac(r) Size of descripton of the axes
/AXIs Draw axes
/BACKCol Colour of background inside axes {G,RG,..}
/BINsize(i) Increase binsize of 1-dim data by this factor
/CLUster Switch for cluster mode
/CMode(i) Character mode (font) 1: thin, 3: thick, 11 and 13: equidistant
/COlumn(r) Width of columns
/COntour Switch for contour mode
/DEvice(c) Graphics screen {XWIN,*,NONE}
/FORCe Force displaying also an empty analyzer.
/FOrmat(r) Ratio y axis / x axis
/FRAme Draw a frame around the allocate area
/FULl Draw full data arrays
/GRAf Draw analyzer data like GRAF data (without outer frame)
/GRID(c) Draw grid over diagramme (GRID(dx,dy,line(,width)) /HATching(r) Size of hatching /INt Integer values on x and y axis /ISOmetric Switch for isometric mode /LINEWidth(r)Linewidth in mm/SCALING /LIVe Live display of analyzer. /NCUts(i) Number of contour lines /NOAXis Do not draw any axes /NOCOmment No description (legend) of symbols and lines /NODEscriptionNo description (legend) of symbols and lines /NODsn Do not write the dataset name /NOERrorbars Suppress drawing error bars /NOLEgend No description (legend) of symbols and lines /NOSPace No space between data points and axes /NOTitle No title on picture /NOWRite Suppress writing text on the picture /NOXNumber Do not draw any numbers and text on x axis /NOXSpace No space between data points and x axis /NOYNumber Do not draw any numbers and text on y axis /NOYSpace No space between data points an y axis /PAlette(c) Choice of colours {MULTI,MONO,DEFAULT} /PHi(r) Viewing angle for isometric plot /POlynomial(i)Degree of polynomial for simple fit /REAl Floating-point values on x and y axes /REFerence Take actual frame as reference for XREL, SCREL, ... /SCaling(r) Length of x axis (r = 1 means 20 cm) /SHift(r) Shift between data curves /SOrt Sort data in ascending order /SPace Provide space between data points and axes /SYmbol(r) Size of data symbols /THeta(r) Viewing angle for isometric plot /TICIn Draw left and lower tic marks inside /TICOut Draw left and lower tic marks outside /WEight(r) Weight for smooth curves /WIndow Take x and y windows last used /XBINsize(i) Increase of binsize in x of 2-dim data by this factor /XInt Integer values on x axis /XLIn Use linear x axis /XLOg Use logarithmic x axis /XMAx(r) Upper x limit /XMIn(r) Lower x limit /XNUmber Draw numbers and text on x axis /XOPER(c) Arithmetic operation of x values (e.g. /XOP(+1) ) /XPOS(r) Shift in x (1=full width of first picture) /XREAl Floating-point values on x axis /XREL(r) Shift in x (1=length of the x axis of first picture) /XRSize(r) Allocated plot size in x /XTICFac(r) Multiply distance of tic marks on x axis by approximately R /XTICUnit(r) Define unit of tic-mark distances for x axis (e.g. 90 for degrees) /XWindow Take x window last used /YBINsize(i) Increase of binsize in y of 2-dim data by this factor /YInt Integer values on y axis /YLIn Use linear y axis /YLOg Use logarithmic y axis /YMAx(r) Upper y limit /YMIn(r) Lower y limit /YNUmber Draw numbers and text on y axis /YOPER(c) Arithmetic operation with y values (e.g. /YOP(*10) ) /YPOS(r) Shift in y (1=full height of first picture) /YREAl Floating-point values on y axis /YREL(r) Shift in y (1=length of the y axis of first picture) /YRSize(r) Allocated plot size in y /YTICFac(r) Multiply distance of tic marks on y axis by approximately R /YTICUnit(r) Define unit of tic-mark distances for y axis (e.g. 90 for degrees) /YWindow Take y window last used /ZARea Area of cluster is proportional to Z counts /ZLIn Use linear z division /ZLOg Use logarithmic z division /ZMAx(r) Upper z limit /ZMIn(r) Lower z limit See also detailed description of parameters for graphic presentation.

> HELP GEXIT GEXIT Leave GRAF with prompting

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'GEXIT' available in
HELP SHORT (1 occurrences)
Short description how to use GRAF

> HELP GEXpand GEXpand Expand in x and y
1.PARAMETER: Coordinate xmin
2.PARAMETER: Coordinate xmax
3.PARAMETER: Coordinate ymin
4.PARAMETER: Coordinate ymax

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'GEXPAND' available in
HELP EXTEND (5 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)
HELP PROBLEMS (1 occurrences)
Problems and solutions

> HELP GElement GElement Draw graphic elements

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'GELEMENT' available in
HELP GENERAL (1 occurrences)
General information about GRAF
HELP GRAPHIC (1 occurrences)
Handling of graphic elements
HELP POLAR (2 occurrences)
Drawing a polar diagram

> HELP GFree GFree Free graphic screen in coupled mode

> HELP GIDentify GIDentify List name of selected analyzer
Full documentation of this command

> HELP GLine GLine Draw line
/Loop Loop switch
/Mode(c) Line mode

> HELP GNEWdisplay GNEWdisplay Select subpicture by cursor and redraw it.
Full documentation of this command

> HELP GOVer GOVer Continue drawing on the current device (overlay)
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/2DColor Colours of clusters or contour lines {MULTI,G,RG,..,SHADOWING,FULL}
/ALL Draw full data arrays
/AUto Reset display parameters to default values
/AXCol Colour of axes including numbers and captions {G,RG,..}
/AXFac(r) Size of descripton of the axes
/AXIs Draw axes
/BACKCol Colour of background inside axes {G,RG,..}
/BINsize(i) Increase of binsize of 1-dim data
/CLUster Switch for cluster mode
/CMode(i) Character mode (font) 1: thin, 3: thick, 11 and 13: equidistant
/COlumn(r) Width of columns
/COntour Switch for contour mode
/FORCe Force displaying also an empty analyzer.
/FOrmat(r) Ratio y axis / x axis
/FRAme Draw a frame around the allocate area
/FULl Draw full data arrays
/GRAf Draw analyzer data like GRAF data (without outer frame)
/GRID(c) Draw grid over diagramme (GRID(dx,dy,line(,width)) /HATching(r) Size of hatching /INt Integer values on x and y axis /ISOmetric Switch for isometric mode /LINEWidth(r)Linewidth in mm/SCALING /LIVe Live display of analyzer. /NCUts(i) Number of contour lines /NEW Erase plot area before drawing /NOAXis Do not draw any axes /NOCOmment No description (legend) of symbols and lines /NODEscriptionNo description (legend) of symbols and lines /NODsn Do not write the dataset name /NOERrorbars Suppress drawing error bars /NOLEgend No description (legend) of symbols and lines /NOSPace No space between data points and axes /NOTitle No title on picture /NOWRite Suppress writing text on the picture /NOXNumber Do not draw any numbers and text on x axis /NOXSpace No space between data points and x axis /NOYNumber Do not draw any numbers and text on y axis /NOYSpace No space between data points an y axis /PAlette(c) Palette of possible colours {MONO,MULTI,DEFAULT} /PHi(r) Viewing angle for isometric plot /POlynomial(i)Degree of polynomial for simple fit /REAl Floating-point values on x and y axes /REFerence Take actual frame as reference for XREL, SCREL, ... /ROTate(r) rotate picture by r degrees /SAmepositionFor "ZONE" option: plot on same position /SCRel(r) Scaling relative to the preceding GPLOT or GDISP /SCaling(r) Length of x axis (r = 1 means 20 cm) /SHift(r) Shift between data curves /SOrt Sort data in ascending order /SPace Provide space between data points and axes /SYmbol(r) Size of data symbols /THeta(r) Viewing angle for isometric plot /TICIn Draw left and lower tic marks inside /TICOut Draw left and lower tic marks outside /WEight(r) Weight for smooth curves /WIndow Take x and y windows last used /XBINsize(i) Increase of binsize in x of 2-dim data /XInt Integer values on x axis /XLIn Use linear x axis /XLOg Use logarithmic x axis /XMAx(r) Upper x limit /XMIn(r) Lower x limit /XNUmber Draw numbers and text on x axis /XPOS(r) Shift in x (1=full width of first picture) /XREAl Floating-point values on x axis /XREL(r) Shift in x (1=length of the x axis of first picture) /XTICFac(r) Multiply distance of tic marks on x axis by approximately R /XTICUnit(r) Define unit of tic-mark distances for x axis (e.g. 90 for degrees) /XWindow Take x window last used /YBINsize(i) Increase of binsize in y of 2-dim data /YInt Integer values on y axis /YLIn Use linear y axis /YLOg Use logarithmic y axis /YMAx(r) Upper y limit /YMIn(r) Lower y limit /YNUmber Draw numbers and text on y axis /YPOS(r) Shift in y (1=full height of first picture) /YREAl Floating-point values on y axis /YREL(r) Shift in y (1=length of the y axis of first picture) /YTICFac(r) Multiply distance of tic marks on y axis by approximately R /YTICUnit(r) Define unit of tic-mark distances for y axis (e.g. 90 for degrees) /YWindow Take y window last used /ZARea Area of cluster is proportional to Z counts /ZLIn Use linear z division /ZLOg Use logarithmic z division /ZMAx(r) Upper z limit /ZMIn(r) Lower z limit See also detailed description of parameters for graphic presentation.

> HELP GPArameters GPArameters List display parameters
Full documentation of this command

> HELP GPClose GPClose Close postscript file and eventually submit plot job
/Delete Delete postscript file of current picture

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'GPCLOSE' available in
HELP GENERAL (1 occurrences)
General information about GRAF
 > HELP GPICkdata
GPICkdata      Pick up data from screen and write to GRF file
Full documentation of this command
GPOs           Mark position on screen given by coordinates or cursor
1.PARAMETER: Coordinate in x (optional)
2.PARAMETER: Coordinate in y (optional)
/Loop Loop switch

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'GPOS' available in
HELP NEWS (2 occurrences)
New features in GRAF

> HELP GPReset GPReset Set preset parameters
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/2DColor Colours of clusters or contour lines {MULTI,G,RG,..,SHADOWING,FULL}
/AUto Reset display parameters to default values
/AXCol Colour of axes including numbers and captions {G,RG,..}
/AXFac(r) Size of descripton of the axes
/AXIs Draw axes
/BACKCol Colour of background inside axes {G,RG,..}
/BINsize(i) Increase of binsize of 1-dim data
/CLUster Switch for cluster mode
/CLear Clear preset parameters
/CMode(i) Character mode (font) 1: thin, 3: thick, 11 and 13: equidistant
/COlumn(r) Width of columns
/COntour Switch for contour mode
/FOrmat(r) Ratio y axis / x axis
/GRAf Draw analyzer data like GRAF data (without outer frame)
/HATching(r) Size of hatching
/INt Integer values on x and y axis
/ISOmetric Switch for isometric mode
/LINEWidth(r)Linewidth in mm/SCALING
/LISt List preset parameters
/NCUts(i) Number of contour lines
/NOAXis Do not draw any axes
/NOCOmment No description (legend) of symbols and lines
/NODEscriptionNo description (legend) of symbols and lines
/NODsn Do not write the dataset name
/NOERrorbars Suppress drawing error bars /NOLEgend No description (legend) of symbols and lines /NOSPace No space between data points and axes /NOTitle No title on picture /NOWRite Suppress writing text on the picture /NOXNumber Do not draw any numbers and text on x axis /NOXSpace No space between data points and x axis /NOYNumber Do not draw any numbers and text on y axis /NOYSpace No space between data points an y axis /PHi(r) Viewing angle for isometric plot /POlynomial(i)Degree of polynomial for simple fit /REAl Floating-point values on x and y axes /REFerence Take actual frame as reference for XREL, SCREL, ... /SCaling(r) Length of x axis (r = 1 means 20 cm) /SHift(r) Shift between data curves /SOrt Sort data in ascending order /SPace Provide space between data points and axes /SYmbol(r) Size of data symbols /THeta(r) Viewing angle for isometric plot /TICIn Draw left and lower tic marks inside /TICOut Draw left and lower tic marks outside /WEight(r) Weight for smooth curves /WIndow Take x and y windows last used /XBINsize(i) Increase of binsize in x of 2-dim data /XInt Integer values on x axis /XLIn Use linear x axis /XLOg Use logarithmic x axis /XMAx(r) Upper x limit /XMIn(r) Lower x limit /XNUmber Draw numbers and text on x axis /XREAl Floating-point values on x axis /XTICFac(r) Multiply distance of tic marks on x axis by approximately R /XTICUnit(r) Define unit of tic-mark distances for x axis (e.g. 90 for degrees) /XWindow Take x window last used /YBINsize(i) Increase of binsize in y of 2-dim data /YInt Integer values on y axis /YLIn Use linear y axis /YLOg Use logarithmic y axis /YMAx(r) Upper y limit /YMIn(r) Lower y limit /YNUmber Draw numbers and text on y axis /YREAl Floating-point values on y axis /YTICFac(r) Multiply distance of tic marks on y axis by approximately R /YTICUnit(r) Define unit of tic-mark distances for y axis (e.g. 90 for degrees) /YWindow Take y window last used /ZARea Area of cluster is proportional to Z counts /ZLIn Use linear z division /ZLOg Use logarithmic z division /ZMAx(r) Upper z limit /ZMIn(r) Lower z limit See also detailed description of parameters for graphic presentation.

> HELP GPlot GPlot Draw on a plotter or write a postscript dataset
1.PARAMETER: Analyzer name
/2DColor Colours of clusters or contour lines {MULTI,G,RG,..,SHADOWING,FULL}
/ALL Draw full data arrays
/AUto Reset display parameters to default values
/AXCol Colour of axes including numbers and captions {G,RG,..}
/AXFac(r) Size of description of the axes
/AXIs Draw axes
/BACKCol Colour of background inside axes {G,RG,..}
/BINsize(i) Increase of binsize of 1-dim data
/CLUster Switch for cluster mode
/CMode(i) Character mode (font) 1: thin, 3: thick, 11 and 13: equidistant
/COlumn(r) Width of columns
/COntour Switch for contour mode
/DEvice(c) Plotter or PS dataset {P##,P##s,P##ss,P##sss,dsn.EPS,POST,NONE}
/DSn(c) Dataset for POSTSCRIPT output {dsn(.EPS),dsn.EPS}
/FIlename(c) Dataset for POSTSCRIPT output {dsn(.EPS),dsn.EPS}
/FORCe Force displaying also an empty analyzer.
/FOrmat(r) Ratio y axis / x axis
/FRAme Draw a frame around the allocate area
/FULl Draw full data arrays
/GRAf Draw analyzer data like GRAF data (without outer frame)
/GRID(c) Draw grid over diagramme (GRID(dx,dy,line(,width)) /HATching(r) Size of hatching /INt Integer values on x and y axis /ISOmetric Switch for isometric mode /LANd Landscape orientation /LINEWidth(r)Linewidth in mm/SCALING /LIVe Live display of analyzer. /NCUts(i) Number of contour lines /NOAXis Do not draw any axes /NOCOmment No description (legend) of symbols and lines /NODEscription No description (legend) of symbols and lines /NODsn Do not write the dataset name /NOERrorbars Suppress drawing error bars /NOLEgend No description (legend) of symbols and lines /NOSPace No space between data points and axes /NOTitle No title on picture /NOWRite Suppress writing text on the picture /NOXNumber Do not draw any numbers and text on x axis /NOXSpace No space between data points and x axis /NOYNumber Do not draw any numbers and text on y axis /NOYSpace No space between data points an y axis /PAlette(c) Palette of possible colours {MONO,MULTI,DEFAULT} /PHi(r) Viewing angle for isometric plot /PORt Portrait orientiation /POST Output on PS plotfile (file name is determined by default) /POlynomial(i) Degree of polynomial for simple fit /REAl Floating-point values on x and y axes /REFerence Take actual frame as reference for XREL, SCREL, ... /SCaling(r) Length of x axis (r = 1 means 20 cm) /SHift(r) Shift between data curves /SOrt Sort data in ascending order /SPace Provide space between data points and axes /SYmbol(r) Size of data symbols /THeta(r) Viewing angle for isometric plot /TICIn Draw left and lower tic marks inside /TICOut Draw left and lower tic marks outside /WEight(r) Weight for smooth curves /WIndow Take x and y windows last used /XBINsize(i) Increase of binsize in x of 2-dim data /XInt Integer values on x axis /XLIn Use linear x axis /XLOg Use logarithmic x axis /XMAx(r) Upper x limit /XMIn(r) Lower x limit /XNUmber Draw numbers and text on x axis /XPOS(r) Shift in x (1=full width of first picture) /XREAl Floating-point values on x axis /XREL(r) Shift in x (1=length of the x axis of first picture) /XRSize(r) Allocated plot size in x /XTICFac(r) Multiply distance of tic marks on x axis by approximately R /XTICUnit(r) Define unit of tic-mark distances for x axis (e.g. 90 for degrees) /XWindow Take x window last used /YBINsize(i) Increase of binsize in y of 2-dim data /YInt Integer values on y axis /YLIn Use linear y axis /YLOg Use logarithmic y axis /YMAx(r) Upper y limit /YMIn(r) Lower y limit /YNUmber Draw numbers and text on y axis /YPOS(r) Shift in y (1=full height of first picture) /YREAl Floating-point values on y axis /YREL(r) Shift in y (1=length of the y axis of first picture) /YRSize(r) Allocated plot size in y /YTICFac(r) Multiply distance of tic marks on y axis by approximately R /YTICUnit(r) Define unit of tic-mark distances for y axis (e.g. 90 for degrees) /YWindow Take y window last used /ZARea Area of cluster is proportional to Z counts /ZLIn Use linear z division /ZLOg Use logarithmic z division /ZMAx(r) Upper z limit /ZMIn(r) Lower z limit See also detailed description of parameters for graphic presentation.

> HELP GRead GRead Read data from disk
1.PARAMETER: Dataset name
/ANalyzer(c) Read the data of an analyzer (1-dim or 2-dim)
/CXaxis(c) Replace description of x axis by: c
/CYaxis(c) Replace description of y axis by: c
/DSN(c) Dataset name
/FILename(c) Dataset name
/FIt2d Provide 2-dimensional data for a polynomial fit
/LInesymbol(c)Replace linemode and symbol of data by:
/PATh(c) Path name
/TITLE(c) Replace title of plot by: c

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'GREAD' available in
HELP ANALYZERS (1 occurrences)
Handling of analyzers and pseudoanalyzers
HELP DSN (1 occurrences)
How to write a dataset for GRAF
HELP FITGEN (2 occurrences)
General information on fit handling
HELP INBED (1 occurrences)
Inbedding of input datasets
HELP LIBRARY (1 occurrences)
Library of analyzer data and conditions
HELP PROBLEMS (2 occurrences)
Problems and solutions
HELP SHORT (1 occurrences)
Short description how to use GRAF
HELP TYPE (1 occurrences)
Data types and modes

> HELP GSAve GSAve Save display parameters and additional information on dataset
/Full Save full information
Full documentation of this command
GSELect        Select subpicture (drawn with GOVER) for other commands.
/Identify Only list name of selected analyzer
/New Redraw the subpicture
Full documentation of this command

> HELP GSEt GSEt Set graphic parameters
/2DColor Colours of clusters or contour lines {MULTI,G,RG,..,SHADOWING}
/AUto Reset display parameters to default values
/AXFac(r) Size of descripton of the axes
/AXIs Draw axes
/BINsize(i) Increase of binsize of 1-dim data
/CLUster Switch for cluster mode
/CMode(i) Character mode (font) 1: thin, 3: thick, 11 and 13: equidistant
/COlumn(r) Width of columns
/COntour Switch for contour mode
/DISP Interpret next GOVER command as GDISP
/FORCe(c) {DSN,CLEAR} force to write dsn on plot, clear force option
/FOrmat(r) Ratio y axis / x axis
/HATching(r) Size of hatching
/INt Integer values on x and y axis
/ISOmetric Switch for isometric mode
/LINEWidth(r)Linewidth in mm/SCALING
/LIVebuffer(i)No. of buffered events to refresh live display (0=maximum)
/NCUts(i) Number of contour lines
/NOAXis Do not draw any axes
/NOComment No comment of symbols and lines
/NODsn Do not write the dataset name
/NOSPace No space between data points and axes
/NOTitle No title on picture
/NOWRite Suppress writing text on the picture
/NOXNumber Do not draw any numbers and text on x axis
/NOXSpace No space between data points and x axis
/NOYNumber Do not draw any numbers and text on y axis
/NOYSpace No space between data points an y axis
/PHi(r) Viewing angle for isometric plot
/PLOT Interpret next GOVER command as GPLOT
/PLOTFrame(c)Plotframe orientation {LAND,PORT,NONE},use NONE for
imbedding, PORT for plotter!
/POlynomial(i)Degree of polynomial for simple fit
/REAl Floating-point values on x and y axes
/REFerence Take actual frame as reference for XREL, SCREL, ...
/REFerence(c)Set reference for scaling and position {LAST,FIRST}
/SCaling(r) Length of x axis (r = 1 means 20 cm)
/SHift(r) Shift between data curves
/SIze(c) Maximum plot size, (smaller allowed!),
/SOrt Sort data in ascending order
/SPace Provide space between data points and axes
/SYmbol(r) Size of data symbols
/THeta(r) Viewing angle for isometric plot
/TICIn Draw left and lower tic marks inside
/TICOut Draw left and lower tic marks outside
/Units(c) All size parameters are interpreted in {MM,CM}
/WEight(r) Weight for smooth curves
/WIndow Take x and y windows last used
/XBINsize(i) Increase of binsize in x of 2-dim data
/XInt Integer values on x axis
/XLIn Use linear x axis
/XLOg Use logarithmic x axis
/XMAx(r) Upper x limit
/XMIn(r) Lower x limit
/XNUmber Draw numbers and text on x axis
/XREAl Floating-point values on x axis
/XTICFac(r) Multiply distance of tic marks on x axis by approx. r
/XTICUnit(r) Define unit of tic marks distances for x axis (e.g. 90 for degrees)
/XWindow Take x window last used
/YBINsize(i) Increase of binsize in y of 2-dim data
/YInt Integer values on y axis
/YLIn Use linear y axis
/YLOg Use logarithmic y axis
/YMAx(r) Upper y limit
/YMIn(r) Lower y limit
/YNUmber Draw numbers and text on y axis
/YREAl Floating-point values on y axis
/YTICFac(r) Multiply distance of tic marks on x axis by approx. r
/YTICUnit(r) Define unit of tic marks distances for x axis (e.g. 90 for degrees)
/YWindow Take y window last used
/ZARea Area of cluster is proportional to Z counts
/ZLIn Use linear z division
/ZLOg Use logarithmic z division
/ZMAx(r) Upper z limit
/ZMIn(r) Lower z limit
/ZOne({nx,ny , off})Set parameters of graphic zone (nx * ny pictures).

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'GSET' available in
HELP EXTEND (6 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)
HELP GENERAL (1 occurrences)
General information about GRAF
HELP POSTSCRIPT (8 occurrences)
Handling of POSTSCRIPT files in GRAF for plotting and imbedding
HELP PROBLEMS (3 occurrences)
Problems and solutions
HELP SCOM (2 occurrences)
Features of executable command lists

> HELP GSWindow GSWindow Set graphic window in x and y
1.PARAMETER: Coordinates xmin
2.PARAMETER: Coordinates xmax
3.PARAMETER: Coordinates ymin
4.PARAMETER: Coordinates ymax
/Lastlimits Memorize last used limits for next {GDISP,GPLOT,GOVER}/WINDOW

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'GSWINDOW' available in
HELP PROBLEMS (1 occurrences)
Problems and solutions

> HELP GTUT GTUT Call tutorial

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'GTUT' available in
HELP SHORT (1 occurrences)
Short description how to use GRAF

> HELP GWrite GWrite Write text <default values of parameters>
/Angle(r) Angle <0>
/CMode(i) Character mode (font) <3>
/HUe(c) Hue (colour) <Default>
/LEngth(r) Length (width) of characters <1>
/LInedistance(r) Distance between lines <1>
/LOop Loop option
/POsition(r,r)Position parameters <0,0>
/ROtate(r) Inclination angle <0>
/S(r) Size in mm <4>
/SPacing(r) Spacing between characters <1>
/Width(r) Line width <0.1>
/X(r) Horizontal position
/XRel(r) Horizontal position relativ to length of x axis
/Y(r) Vertical position
/YRel(r) Vertical position relative to length of y axis

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'GWRITE' available in
HELP GENERAL (1 occurrences)
General information about GRAF
HELP PROBLEMS (1 occurrences)
Problems and solutions
HELP SYNTAX (5 occurrences)
Command syntax
HELP TEXT (1 occurrences)
Defining a text in the dataset

> HELP GXExpand GXExpand Expand in x
1.PARAMETER: Coordinate xmin
2.PARAMETER: Coordinate xmax

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'GXEXPAND' available in
HELP EXTEND (3 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)
HELP PROBLEMS (1 occurrences)
Problems and solutions

> HELP GYExpand GYExpand Expand in y
1.PARAMETER: Coordinate ymin
2.PARAMETER: Coordinate ymax

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'GYEXPAND' available in
HELP EXTEND (3 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)
HELP PROBLEMS (1 occurrences)
Problems and solutions

> HELP IOPEr IOPEr Arithmetic operation between constants and parameters
1.PARAMETER: Parameter name for result
2.PARAMETER: = sign (required)
3.PARAMETER: Arithmetic expression (see HELP EXTEND for details).
/Graph Write operation on picture
/List List operation

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'IOPER' available in
HELP EXTEND (4 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP IPar IPar Handle dynamic parameters
1.PARAMETER: Parameter name
2.PARAMETER: Parameter value(s) {"r","r1,r2,(n)r3"
/Append Append parameter to dataset (= default)
/Comment(c) Parameter comment
/DElete Delete parameter
/DSn(c) Dataset for writing and reading
/DUmp Dump (write) parameter to dataset
/Fetch Fetch (read) parameter from dataset
/FIlename(c) Dataset for writing and reading
/Graph Write parameter on picture
/List List parameter
/NEW Write parameter to a new dataset
/NOAppend Write parameter to a new dataset
/NOList Do not list any information message
/PAth(c) Path for writing or reading
/PRompt Prompt the value of an interactive paramter
/Read Read (fetch) parameter from dataset
/Save Prepare parameter for GSAVE
/Type(c) Type of parameter {Character,Numeric}
/Write Write (dump) parameter to dataset
Full documentation of this command

> HELP KILL KILL Leave GRAF without prompting and delete protocol file

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'KILL' available in
HELP BATCH (1 occurrences)
Running SATAN in batch

> HELP LCOntinue LCOntinue Restart reading of list-mode data
1.PARAMETER: {ON,OFF} of automatic continue in online mode.

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'LCONTINUE' available in
HELP EXTEND (3 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)
HELP LISTMODE (1 occurrences)
List-mode analysis with a user-supplied program

> HELP LConnect LConnect Start input of list-mode data from NET
/Bflush(i) Time interval of dummy buffers to keep connection.
/Debug(c) Terminal output control
/Evtecho(i) Echo rate (list a message after I events).
/Filter(c) Filter option (controlled by the file C)
/Initmode(i) Control invocation of initialization
/Node(c) Node name
/Port(i) Port number
/Sample(i) Reduction factor (send only part of the events).
/Typevt(c) Type event information {N,H,D,X} .

> HELP LConvert
LCONVert Convert ASCII list-mode data into SATAN binary data
1. PARAMETER Name of input dataset.
/COmment(c) Comment to be written to output file.
/DEbug Supply detailed information on the structure of data.
/DESTination(c) Name of output dataset (default = input DSN + suffix "s".)
/DSn(c) Name of input dataset.
/DSNOut(c) Name of output dataset (default = input DSN + suffix "s".)
/FIlename(c) Name of input dataset.
/NEw Create a new output file. (An existing file is overwritten!)
/NOprompt Do not prompt if existing data may be overwritten.
/PATHOut(c) Path of output dataset.
/PATH(c) Path of input dataset.
/REplace Create a new output file. (An existing file is overwritten.)
/TYPE(c) Data type for output {FLOAT(=default),FIXED,FIXED LONG}.
LHALT          Halt accumulation

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'LHALT' available in
HELP EXTEND (4 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)
HELP LISTMODE (2 occurrences)
List-mode analysis with a user-supplied program

> HELP LIESCHEN LIESCHEN Start the LIESCHEN ion-optical package
Full documentation of this command
 > HELP LInput
LInput         Start input of list-mode data
1.PARAMETER: Name of input dataset.
/ALL Extract all numbers from ASCII file (also with text in the line).
/CONNECT Establish connection to data stream (online data).
/DEbug(c) Supply information on GOOSY data structure.
/DSn(c) Name of input dataset.
/Events(i) Maximum number of events to process.
/FIlename(c) Name of input dataset.
/Nbevts(i) Maximum number of events to process.
/NOConversioncondition Extract all numbers from ASCII file.
/ONlinedata Data without block header (online data structure).
/Path(c) Path of input dataset or list of paths to be scanned.

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'LINPUT' available in
HELP DYNAMIC (1 occurrences)
Dynamic analysis and live display
HELP EXTEND (8 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)
HELP LISTMODE (2 occurrences)
List-mode analysis with a user-supplied program

LREPOrt Report on status of analysis.
Full documentation of this command
LOUTput        Open (or close) output device for writing list-mode data.
1.PARAMETER: Dataset name for output data
/APPend Continue writing on existing output file
/CLose Close output file
/COMment(c) Comment to be written
/Dsn(c) Dataset name for output data
/Experiment(c)Experiment ID to be written
/Filename(c) Dataset name for output data
/FILENo(i) Filenumber
/Path(c) Path name
/Run(c) Run ID to be written
/Volume(c) Volumename

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'LOUTPUT' available in
HELP EXTEND (12 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)
HELP GENERAL (1 occurrences)
General information about GRAF
HELP LISTMODE (2 occurrences)
List-mode analysis with a user-supplied program
HELP MACROS (1 occurrences)
Macros and procedures for user-supplied program

> HELP LSTArt LSTArt Start accumulation of MONTE-CARLO data
1.PARAMETER: Number of iterations in $LOOP loop

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'LSTART' available in
HELP EXTEND (1 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)
HELP LISTMODE (3 occurrences)
List-mode analysis with a user-supplied program

> HELP MYcommand MYcommand Call user-supplied command $MYCOMMAND
1.PARAMETER: Name of user-defined command.
2.PARAMETER: Character string.
3.PARAMETER: Character string.
4.PARAMETER: Character string.
5.PARAMETER: Character string.
6.PARAMETER: Character string.
7.PARAMETER: Character string.
8.PARAMETER: Character string.
9.PARAMETER: Character string.
10.PARAMETER:Character string.
11.PARAMETER:Character string.
12.PARAMETER:Character string.
13.PARAMETER:Character string.
14.PARAMETER:Character string.
15.PARAMETER:Character string.
16.PARAMETER:Character string.
17.PARAMETER:Character string.
18.PARAMETER:Character string.
19.PARAMETER:Character string.
20.PARAMETER:Character string.

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'MYCOMMAND' available in
HELP EXTEND (7 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP MYfunc MYfunc Call user-supplied function $MYFUNC

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'MYFUNC' available in
HELP EXTEND (7 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP OCLOse OCLOse Close protocol file and open a new version.

> HELP OFIle OFIle Write result of preceding command or any text to file.
/Append Append output to dataset, if it exists (= default)
/Comment(c) Write this comment as first line, followed by the result.
/DATE Write time and date.
/DSn(c) Dataset name for output data
/Data Suppress characters, write only numerical values of result.
/FIlename(c) Dataset name for output data
/New Replace output file if it exists.
/Noappend Replace output file if it exists.
/Path(c) Path name for output data
/REPlace Replace output file if it exists.
/TIme Write time and date.
/Text(c) Write this text. (Parameters are supported from SCOM lists.)

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'OFILE' available in
HELP EXTEND (3 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP OIPar OIPar Save numerical output of preceding command in IPAR array $R.
/Append Append output to existing $R array. Full documentation of this command

> HELP PDIsp PDIsp Show display point
1.PARAMETER: Point character or name

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'PDISP' available in
HELP EXTEND (2 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP PRIority PRIority Set priority of SATAN process

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'PRIORITY' available in
HELP GENERAL (5 occurrences)
General information about GRAF

> HELP PSEt PSEt Set coordinates of display point
1.PARAMETER: Point character or name
2.PARAMETER: Coordinate

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'PSET' available in
HELP EXTEND (1 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP PUT PUT Output on screen and protocol
1.PARAMETER: Text to be written
QUIT           Leave GRAF with prompting

> HELP SENd SENd Leave all levels of exec lists
Long writeup of the SATAN command language > HELP SET SET Set general parameters
/ADumppath(c) Set path for command ADUMP
/AFetchpath(c) Set path or list of paths for command AFETCH
/ALlpaths(c) Set all paths variables
/DUmppath(c) Set path for command ADUMP
/EXecpath(c) Set path or list of paths for command SEXECUTE
/FEtchpath(c) Set path or list of paths for command AFETCH
/GReadpath(c) Set path or list of paths for command GREAD
/Histogramming(c) Histogramming in counts per {CHANNEL,BIN}
/INputpath(c) Set path or list of paths for command LINPUT
/LIVebuffer(i) No. of buffered events to refresh live display (0=maximum)
/LInputpath(c) Set path or list of paths for command LINPUT
/LIst List path names
/List List active parameters of GSET
/Output(c) Output of informational messages and dialog, {LONG,SHORT,NONE}
/PFilepath(c) Set path for command PFILE
/PRIOrity(c) Set priority of SATAN process (HIGH,NORMAL,LOW) /REadpath(c) Set path or list of paths for command GREAD /SExecpath(c) Set path or list of paths for command SEXECUTE /STopnewpage(i) Stop output on screen after I lines (I=0 -> no stop Searching for additional HELP information: <H> Help information for 'SET' available in HELP ANALYZERS (6 occurrences) Handling of analyzers and pseudoanalyzers HELP ARITHMETICS (1 occurrences) Arithmetic operations of data columns HELP BATCH (2 occurrences) Running SATAN in batch HELP DSN (11 occurrences) How to write a dataset for GRAF HELP EXTEND (21 occurrences) Extended data analysis (SATAN features) HELP FITGEN (24 occurrences) General information on fit handling HELP GENERAL (15 occurrences) General information about GRAF HELP GRAPHIC (2 occurrences) Handling of graphic elements HELP INBED (4 occurrences) Inbedding of input datasets HELP LIBRARY (8 occurrences) Library of analyzer data and conditions HELP LISTMODE (13 occurrences) List-mode analysis with a user-supplied program HELP MACROS (7 occurrences) Macros and procedures for user-supplied program HELP MSWINDOWS (2 occurrences) Hints how to handle SATAN under Microsoft WINDOWS HELP NEWS (15 occurrences) New features in GRAF HELP POSTSCRIPT (11 occurrences) Handling of POSTSCRIPT files in GRAF for plotting and imbedding HELP PRESENTATION (3 occurrences) List of options for the graphic presentation HELP PROBLEMS (14 occurrences) Problems and solutions HELP SCOM (8 occurrences) Features of executable command lists HELP SHORT (3 occurrences) Short description how to use GRAF HELP TEXT (1 occurrences) Defining a text in the dataset HELP TYPE (3 occurrences) Data types and modes HELP 2DIM (4 occurrences) Handling of 2-dimensional data > HELP SEXecute SEXecute Execute command list from dataset (short version: @).
1.PARAMETER: Dataset name (extension = .SCOM)
2.PARAMETER: Parameter &1. transfered to command list
3.PARAMETER: Parameter &2. transfered to command list
4.PARAMETER: Parameter &3. transfered to command list
5.PARAMETER: Parameter &4. transfered to command list
6.PARAMETER: Parameter &5. transfered to command list
7.PARAMETER: Parameter &6. transfered to command list
8.PARAMETER: Parameter &7. transfered to command list
9.PARAMETER: Parameter &8. transfered to command list
10.PARAMETER:Parameter &9. transfered to command list
/Begin(c) Begin at label 'LABEL c'
/List List
/Noterminal No output on terminal
/Path(c) Path or list of paths to be scanned.
Full documentation of this command
Long writeup of the SATAN command language > HELP SHEll SHEll Execute a file (Windows application)
1.PARAMETER: Name of file to be executed or to be printed
/EXPlore Start the WINDOWS EXPLORER. Usage "Shell/EXPLORE"
/OPen Open an executable file. Usage "SHELL file/OPEN PATH(path)
/PARamaters Paramters or arguments of executable file.
/PATH(c) Path of file to be executed.
/PRInt Send file to default printer. Usage "SHELL file/PRINT PATH(path)"

> HELP SReturn SReturn Leave the running SCOM list
Long writeup of the SATAN command language > HELP SStop SStop Stop the running SCOM list (prompt for continue)
Long writeup of the SATAN command language > HELP TIME TIME List time and date
Full documentation of this command
Related commands: DATE, WAIT
> HELP W1Def W1Def Assign a name to a window or condition
1.PARAMETER: Window character or condition number

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'W1DEF' available in
HELP EXTEND (1 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP W1List W1List List window or condition and moments of data
1.PARAMETER: Name, window character or condition number

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'W1LIST' available in
HELP EXTEND (1 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP W1Set W1Set Set limits of window or condition
1.PARAMETER: Name, window character or condition number
2.PARAMETER: Lower limit (optional)
3.PARAMETER: Upper limit (optional)
/CLose Close window or condition
/NOdisplay Set window or condition limits without display
/NOlist Do not list limits and moments
/Open Open window or condition

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'W1SET' available in
HELP EXTEND (1 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP W1disp W1disp Display window or condition
1.PARAMETER: Name, window character or condition number

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'W1DISP' available in
HELP EXTEND (1 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP W2DEf W2DEf Assign a name to a 2-dim window or condition
1.PARAMETER: Window letter or condition number
2.PARAMETER: Window or condition name

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'W2DEF' available in
HELP EXTEND (1 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP W2Disp W2Disp Display 2-dim window or condition
1.PARAMETER: Window or condition name
/List List content and moments of counts
/Noid Do not write the window ID

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'W2DISP' available in
HELP EXTEND (1 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP W2List W2List List 2-dim window or condition
1.PARAMETER: Window or condition name
/Coordinates List coordinates of window polygone

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'W2LIST' available in
HELP EXTEND (1 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP W2Modify W2Modify Modify 2-dim window or condition
1.PARAMETER: Window or condition name
/Xfac(R) Factor in x direction.
/Xshift(R) Shift in x direction.
/Yfac(R) Factor in y direction.
/Yshift(R) Shift in y direction.

> HELP W2Null W2Null Set analyzer contents to zero outside 2-dim window
1.PARAMETER: Window or condition name
Related command: ASET

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'W2NULL' available in
HELP EXTEND (1 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP W2Set W2Set Set 2-dim window or condition
1.PARAMETER: Window or condition name
/AReamin(r) Factor to modify required peak area (for auto option,
default = 1).
/AUto Perform automatic peak search
/CLose Close condition
/CUrsor Define 1 peak for AUTO option
/Fwhm(r or r1,r2)FWHM {dxy , dx,dy}, needed for AUTO option to work correctly.
/LEvel(r) Required level (relativ to peak) to set limits
(for auto option, default = 0).
/LIKe(c) Reference analyzer and/or condition divided by comma.
/LISt List content and moments of counts
/Open Open (clear) window or condition
/Peakmin(r) Required peak height relative to maximum in spectrum
(for auto option, default = 0).
/REFerence(c) Reference analyzer and/or condition divided by comma.

Searching for additional HELP information:

<H> Help information for 'W2SET' available in
HELP EXTEND (1 occurrences)
Extended data analysis (SATAN features)

> HELP WAIt WAIt Wait some time.
1.PARAMETER: Delay time in seconds
Full documentation of this command
Related commands: TIME, DATE